Axelrod, Eric
About Me
Phone: 602-467-6537
Qualifications: B.A Elementary EducationM.ED Educational Technolgy
Mr. Axelrod
Classroom Expectations
Classroom Expectations
- You are in this class to learn, not visit. Remain in your seat unless you are performing a work task.
- Do not interrupt the teacher when he is talking to the class.
- Come to class on time and be ready to work.
- Treat all equipment with respect. Do not use any equipment, including classroom furniture, for anything other than its intended use.
- Treat all classmates with respect; just like you wish to be treated.
- Immediately report any equipment problems or injuries, even minor ones, to the instructor.
- When using consumable materials use only what you need and return them to their proper place.
- Before you leave your classroom and/or shop work area, “leave no evidence” of you being there.
- Your folder should be with you everyday.
- Work hard and enjoy the company of your classmates and instructor.
- Absolutely no horseplay in the lab.
Career Action Lab
No Paxton Today.
Career Research - Assignment for Tuesday, February 4
1. Go to the link above.
2. Click on the + sign for the career cluster that sounds most appealing to you.
3. Choose a specific career
4. Watch the video, read the text and answer the questions on the worksheet.
5. Hit the back button to go back to page with the list of career clusters.
6. Repeat steps 2 - 5. You must research 7 different careers to complete the worksheet.
6. If you are in class today, you will turn in the worksheet at the end of class. You may not turn this assignment in after you leave class. THIS IS DUE TODAY.
Interview Questions Assignment
The Modules
1. Take some time to look over the modules below.
2. Send Mr. Axelrod your module requests, by filling out the form located here
3. Please only submit once
Test Retakes
Computer Science
Dance Party - It's going to get loud in here.
1. Check out the list of the top 10 Programming Languages from 2024
2. You are about to being your first project in Computer Science Class. The directions are below.
You and your partner will be creating a Google Slide Presentation based on one of the languages listed at the link above.
Your slide presentation should include the following items:
- Who created the language?
- When did the language start to be developed and when did it go "Live"?
- What can be created using the language?
- What popular things were created using this language?
- Is the Language easy to learn?
Include the following graphics
- Picture of the creator(s)
- Picture of the languages logo?
- Screenshot or picture of the language.
Be sure to:
- pretty up your slide show
- Do not include transitions.
I am not going to tell you how many slides you should have. Split up your information how you want to. Don't put too much information on one slide. Make is look like a good presentation.